Meet NIRA Dynamics and Business Sweden in Detroit at Automobili-D

NIRA Dynamics and Business Sweden will be exhibiting together in Detroit at Automobili-D 14-15th September. In the booth, PT220, we will participate with a few other Swedish companies, where you can learn the latest in mobility technology and connected vehicle data services.

NIRA will be exhibiting the latest development on our connected vehicle products Road Surface Alerts and Road Surface Conditions.

Some of the use cases where NIRAs connected vehicle data can be used:

Electrical torque distribution

Vehicle stability and range are some of the most important factors for electrical vehicles and RSC provides viable information about how the torque request shall be distributed between the axles in an electrical powertrain, both during acceleration and regeneration. RSC can improve driving comfort and maximizes the electric vehicle range.

ACC and speed adjustment

RSC can be integrated with advanced vehicle systems such as Adaptive Cruise Control to automatically and dynamically set the distance to other vehicles, taking road surface conditions into account. This is a first step towards the transition to improving ADAS technology, where the speed of the car (in for instance a Highway Pilot) can be set based on the road surface conditions.

Driver warning systems

RSA uses connected vehicle data to produce relevant and precise hazard warnings at the right locations. Anything from slipperiness alerts to pothole or wet road alerts, RSA provides a complete view of the road surface hazards.

Do not hesitate to stay in touch with Johan Brynås ( or Gregory Weber ( if you are interested in a demo onsite or at your location.

See you there!

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