Latest news at NIRA Dynamics AB

Investing in our health and well-being

Written by Admin | Oct 15, 2020

NIRA Health Weeks is here! For the third year in a row, we put a lot focus on movement, exercise and recovery for a few weeks. For us, it is a matter of investing in our future, to devote resources and involve ourselves in each other’s well-being and health.

The arguments are as obvious as simple. Because we care. Because nothing is more important than a balance between work and leisure. Health and life balance is a prerequisite for combining an excellent innovation culture and achievements with high commitment and sustainability.

We are proud that in recent years we have gotten rid of all forms of sick leave linked to social work environment and stress problems. However, we are not satisfied with that; we also have our own challenges. Today we have an uneven distribution between physically active and not active – we maintain a very high level of exercise, or we are so inactive that we risk future complications if we do not change our behavior. We also feel that we have challenges in finding moments for recovery in both work and leisure. High availability, many sources of distractions introduce risk for reducing the moments of focus and flow at work.

We know that the investments we make provide a lot of insight and knowledge. It gives us the opportunity to create long-lasting benefit and change the lifestyle of several of our employees. We hope we will continue to improve that even further.

The core in our philosophy is that movement and exercise are the most important factors in enabling recovery and managing intensive periods (the book Hjärnstark by Anders Hansen is as natural in the introduction kit at NIRA as the key tag or the computer.)

This year, we are increasing our efforts with focus groups on optimizing our performance and our well-being with health and the brain in focus. How does our brain work? How can we work with focus & flow to achieve increased sustainability as an individual? How can we become better at prioritizing activities that make us feel better and more sustainable? Our employees will also share insights and experiences with colleagues, to support and inspire the people who are not yet super active.

Now we are up and running, four weeks ahead of us, which will surely lead to insights and long-term results. This will be fun!